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admin 美食养生 2021-06-01 22:15:51 241 0


  (A)   Make Dumplings   Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food. On the lunar New Year' s Day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. To make them, follow this easy process.   The first step is to mix the flour with water. When the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers. We use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook. When the wrappers are done, it' s time to prepare the filling. We must chop chives and fried eggs into small pieces. Then put some salt, oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly. When all these preparations are done, we can start making dumplings. First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper. Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the rest. Don' t just cover the filling with the wrappers. The best shape of dumplings is that of a ship, because when they are boiling in the pan, they look like ships sailing in the sea. The smell can make your mouth water.   (B)   First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour. The container shculd be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow. Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky. When the dough is ready, leave it there for use later, then go on to make the fillings.   The second step is to mince the chives and fried eggs till they are mixed in a paste. Add salt, oil and other condiments and stir them evenly.   The third step is to make the wrappings. Roll the dough with a round stick into small round pieces of wrappings, each two inches in diameter.   The fourth step is to put the fillings in the middle of a wrapping. Then press the wrapping tight and a jiaozi is ready. When you have made enough Jiaozi, the next step is to boil them.   That is the last step. Put a pot of water on the stove. When the water is boiling, put the Jiaozi one by one into the water and cover the pot. When steam comes out, add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time. When you see the Jiaozi floating in boiling water, you can put them in bowls or plates, get the chopsticks and be ready to eat.   




  可以在拌馅的时候加入少许油,可以有效防止韭菜馅出水,下面介绍做法:   准备材料:韭菜小把、鸡蛋个、盐小匙、美极鲜几滴、香油小匙   制作步骤:   、韭菜洗净晾去水份。   、晾干的韭菜切成碎段(尽量把水份控干)。   、鸡蛋个打到碗里。   、放几滴白醋,再放点清水这样炒出的鸡蛋又滑又嫩。   、炒锅放油,油热倒入鸡蛋。   、用铲刀快速的把鸡蛋划碎。   、把鸡蛋和韭菜拌匀加入盐,美极、鸡精、香油、十三香再次搅拌均匀即可(加油一个是馅料会更香,一个是防止韭菜出水)。   


  在外面吃的韭菜馅包子,饺子馅的颜色是绿的,很好看。自家做的韭菜馅包子颜色就总是变黑,这是为什么呢?怎么做才能不变黑呢?大家不妨试试窍门吧!   方法很简单:首先,在水里放入食用碱,将韭菜浸泡十分钟,然后捞出控干、做馅,这样做出来的包子,不管蒸多久,馅的颜色都会保持碧绿。   此外,在做韭菜馅饺子的时候,大家可能还会遇到这样的问题:韭菜一遇到盐就不好包,吃起来也不好吃。其实,只要大家在拌馅的时候,先倒点香油进去,然后再放盐,韭菜就不会出水了,吃起来味道非常新鲜。   


  饺子馅里的粉丝要先用热水泡软,然后切成厘米左右的小段。   韭菜猪肉粉丝馅饺子做法:   材料:粉丝、韭菜、猪肉末、葱、姜、盐、生抽、香油、料酒、饺子皮   、粉丝用热水泡软,泡好后粉丝切成厘米左右的小段。   、韭菜洗净,韭菜切成末。葱姜切成末备用。   、猪肉末加入适量盐、生抽、香油、料酒,切好的葱姜一起放到猪肉里用筷子顺时针搅拌。   、将韭菜、粉丝。放入拌好的猪肉里,再次搅拌均匀,饺子馅就做好了。   、用筷子夹适量馅料,放入饺子皮,就可以包饺子了   


  四川那边应该不吃饺子,我们同学在家都没吃过饺子。   找了两个猪肉白菜馅的   韭菜饺子   鸡蛋韭菜虾仁饺子   望采纳



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