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admin 美食养生 2021-03-31 11:09:06 235 0

  年味越来越浓了怎么回答新春的脚步越来越近了。老师你好!我是卖女包的!开了半年!这半年来生意都是越来越好!特别是8月份生意不错!可是9月1日开完因为你做的主要是适合学生风格的包包,所以准备开学时大家需要购买新的背包,然后你店的生意就比较火,开完学后几乎学生们都需要上课了,也没有那么多时间去逛街了,基本需要购买包包的学生也买了,所以生意比较淡。忧伤说唱歌词.如题 谢谢了歌词加翻译 Yo Ang how you doing ?damn its been a minute/ Hey. 我的小天使你怎么样了?天呐,都有好长时间了。 Its been years since you left but I still dont get it/ 你离开已经几年了,但我还是搞不懂发生了什么。 sometimes I wonder, how things would be like/ 有时候我忍不住猜想,如果当时怎样怎样现在该是什么样子呢??? if you were still in my presence, yo feeling my essence/ 如果你仍然在我的身边,那么感受真实的我吧。 Wish I coulda persuade you stay that day you went away/ 你离开丢下我的那天,真的希望我能把你留下。 and left your kiddo, cause when the dude from the news/ 因为报馆的一个朋友 brought clues of you, my tears found its way to soak/ 带来了你的一点消息,我的眼泪顿时绝了堤。 and upset my pillow/ 并且整夜辗转反侧。

  shit your boy is grown now, I found out what love is/ 靠。你眼中的小男孩已经成熟,我已经彻底的理解了爱的含义!! met bitches on the way you wouldnt want me to with/ 当我在路上遇到婊子的时候,我知道你绝不会让我去的。 T-T I did graffitti to B-Boys to tip top events/ 我涂鸦,我街舞,不去管人们在流行什么。 Open mics to concerts to hip hop events/ 打开我的麦克风,开我的hiphop演唱会。 anyways how you doing could you shed some light Ang/ 话说回来你到底怎么样了?能给我透露一点点吗我的天使,求你了。 Is heaven lace with gold roads and God a white man/ 天堂周围是不是金黄色的大道,上帝是白人吗? Hows your hair girl? How them clothes fit cha?/ 你现在是什么发型,丫头?那边的衣服合身吗? and if you got MSN, could you send me a picture/ 如果你用MSN,可以寄我一张照片吗? Spoke with your sis the other day she probably told you about it/ 那天和你的姐妹说说话,她也可能告诉你了 she said yall was close so i wouldnt even doubt it/ 他说我差点就成功了,于是我都没想过怀疑这点 got a few questions but it might not end here/ 另外还有一些,本不该到现在才结束的疑问。 do you still have my back like when you was my friend here/ 你还保留着比如我们成为恋人之前的那些回忆吗? I heard that where you stay imperfection is perfected/ 我听说你待的地方现在越来越好了 and that he had the power to cure the infected/ 那么这个男人总算有了余力舔舐他的伤口 I heard it through the body but my mind don't respect it/ 她说的那些我听了,但是当时心里已经不觉得那多重要了 so when you get a chance could you double check it/ 所以如果有机会,你能向我确认下她说的是事实吗? and if it's true then have him make me taller 如果那是真的,那么拥有这种成就我也会活的勇气一点 and /take the scars off my face, I wouldn't want him to neglect it/ 并且除去脸上的伤疤,我不再让自己忽略这个疑问 I'm asking too much, I should leave it where it ought to be/ 我问的太多了,我本该把这些疑问压在它该待的地方 but my mind's infected, i'm curse with curiosity/ 只是我的脑袋秀逗了,不停的追问自己,这让我痛苦不已 never studies for life, crammed it at the last minute/ 从没学着如何去生活,最近才囫囵吞枣的紧张这个问题 but i hope to pass the course and leave the past vivid/ 不过我希望能通过现在的课程,并且把过去清清楚楚的一幕幕忘掉 but I don't my share of bads I don't know if I can make it/ 不过我不能完全保证我能做到因为我身上的种种缺点 Apologies if i don't and I hope that you would take it/ 如果我没做到,我向你道歉,希望你能接受我的道歉。





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