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admin 美食养生 2021-09-01 13:29:53 359 0

Xinjiang hand pilaf is a famous food of Xinjiang people,it's also that every family can make a regular meal at home.新疆手抓饭,是新疆人一道有名的美食,也是家家户户都可以在家做家常便饭。


The reason why it is called "hand grabbing rice" is that it was first eaten directly by hand, so it has this name.But now use spoon or chopsticks to eat, say goodbye to the habit of eating with hands.之所以称为手抓饭,最初用手直接抓着吃,故有此名。不过现在使用勺子或者筷子吃,告别了用手抓着吃的习惯。


Hand pilaf is fried yellow carrot with oil (can be replaced by shredded carrot), chopped onion, mutton,then add the washed rice and water to braise, and then sprinkle raisins stir well can be eaten. You can also use chicken instead of mutton to make rice, according to their own preferences. 手抓饭是用油炒黄胡萝卜丝(可用红萝卜丝代替)洋葱切碎、羊肉块,然后加入洗净大米加水焖熟,再撒上葡萄干搅拌均匀即可食用。还可以用鸡肉代替羊肉做抓饭,要根据自己的喜好决定的。


Hand pilaf is delicious and nutritious. It is the best choice for nourishing the body.No matter what season you can enjoy delicious food. It is a festival for Xinjiang ethnic minorities,one of the essential delicacies for entertaining relatives and friends.手抓饭味道鲜美、营养很丰富,是滋补身体最佳选择,无论任何季节都可享用的美食。是新疆少数民族过节、招待亲朋好友的必备美食之一。




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