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admin 美食养生 2021-05-23 02:25:07 290 0


  排骨两吃-糖醋排骨   主料   排骨   辅料   葱 姜   蒜 八角   花椒 盐   糖 醋   料酒 酱油   冰糖 芝麻   排骨两吃-糖醋排骨的做法步骤   . 排骨切小块,冷水下锅,水开后撇去浮沫,加入葱姜蒜,八角,花椒,加少许盐,几滴醋,转小火炖小时左右   . 捞出排骨,沥干水分   . 盛出一小碗排骨汤备用   . 锅中热油,加适量糖炒出糖色   . 放入排骨,炒至上色后加入料酒,酱油,醋   . 加入排骨汤,转小火闷分钟左右,然后开大火收汁   . 收汁过程中加入少许冰糖,汁收干后沿锅边再倒入少许醋   . 出锅,撒上白芝麻   . 配上之前做好的冬瓜排骨汤,一份排骨两道菜   排骨两吃-糖醋排骨的做法视频   小贴士   排骨也可以选择先过油炸制,口感会更香脆   收汁过程中加少许冰糖可以让排骨更好的上   




  首先将排骨再开水中焯一下去掉血腥味;   将焯好的排骨捞出放入冷水中;   锅中加入各种调味品和适量的水,放入排骨大火烧开,沸腾后转中小火小时即可出锅。   


  糖醋排骨的做法有很多种,在这里介绍一下正宗的糖醋排骨的做法,以便让大家看一下庐山真面目:)   糖醋排骨是四川一道很有名的凉菜,用的是炸收的烹饪方法,属于糖醋味型,琥珀油亮,干香滋润,甜酸醇厚,是一款极好的下酒菜或是开胃菜。   先去市场买来排骨适量,(我们做糖醋排骨的时候一次做的很多,一是喜欢吃,二是做的多省事,三是这菜属于量大质更优的品种。)让老板帮你剁成小段,免得自己回家麻烦,而且伤刀。   再准备一些姜葱、花椒、盐、糖、醋等调味品。   锅内烧水,放排骨下锅煮,加姜葱、花椒、料酒,烧开后打去浮沫,继续改用中小火煮至排骨上的肉能脱骨就可以捞出来沥干水分了(饭店一般不用煮,而是飞水后蒸,这样肉味更浓,但是要有条件——用蒸笼长时间蒸)   然后锅置火上,放油烧到七成热(油面开始冒青烟),下排骨炸至棕红捞出。把油倒出,锅洗净,然后加汤并用盐、糖调味(略有咸甜味),糖色调色(用白糖加油炒至棕红加水制成,如果不会,可以加酱油(不过发黑)或是可乐),放入排骨,用中小火烧至汤汁快干时,加醋翻炒至收汁亮油,淋入少许香油翻匀就可以起锅了。   这时候千万要忍住,不要还没凉就悉数扫荡干净,那么凉后更美味的糖醋排骨就不复存在了。   此外,你也可以在起锅后撒上少许白芝麻装盘   Sweet and sour spareribs practice there are many here tell us the authentic sweet and sour pork ribs, so that we look at the truth:)   Sichuan is a sweet and sour spareribs famous cold dish, using a collection of deep-fried cooking method, which taste sweet and sour type, amber brown cigar with an oily, dry moisture Shannon, mellow sour, is an excellent appetizers or drink under.   Suitable go to the market to buy ribs, (sweet and sour spareribs we do when the time to do a lot, like to eat first and the second is to do more than save, and third, this large volume of vegetables belonging to the better quality varieties.) So that the boss help You hacked short to avoid trouble themselves to go home, and knife wounds.   And then try to work out some Jiangcong, pepper, salt, sugar, vinegar condiment.   Water heating pot, pot put under the ribs, plus Jiangcong, pepper, cooking wine, boil after floating foam to fight, continue to switch to small and medium-sized Huozhu ribs on the bone from the meat will be able to remove Drain the water ( Hotels generally do not have to cook, but to fly after the steaming water, so Gengnong meat, but conditional - by steamer steaming for a long time)   And then buy the fire pot, heat oil spread (surface oil smoke began to run), under the ribs Zhazhizonghong remove. Pour the oil, wash the pot, then add soup and salt, sugar, seasonings (salt slightly sweet), sugar tone color (white sugar with Chaozhizonghong fuel made from water, if not, you can add soy sauce (though fat Black) or cola), Add ribs, to set fire to small and medium-sized quick-drying liquid, stir Jiacu close to the oil-juice, a little sesame oil Linru can turn even the Qiguo.   This is the time to hold back tens of millions, yet not all raids on the cool clean, cool even after the delicious sweet and sour pork ribs on the longer exist.   In addition, you can sprinkle Qiguo after a little white sesame Zhuangpan   




  糖醋排骨的做法   材料: 仔排g 大葱段 姜片片 八角个 棉白糖g 香醋ml 老抽ml 盐g 油ml 白芝麻g 香葱   做法:   .仔排洗净浸水里分钟去血水,香葱洗净切碎。   .锅里放水,仔排/大葱段/姜片/八角,用高压锅压分钟后取出沥干备用。   .中火烧热锅里的油,五成热时将仔排放入,炸到金黄色,使其中的水分耗干,再捞出沥干油分。   .锅里放入少许清水(我的经验是一汤勺就可以了)和棉白糖,用小火慢慢将棉白糖熬化,等表面翻起大泡,颜色慢慢变黄时将盐/老抽/香醋放入混合均匀,使其熬成深红的颜色,再将炸好的仔排放进去兜匀。   .最后在糖醋排骨上撒上香葱碎和熟白芝麻。   注: 在熬制糖色时不宜时间过长,颜色稍微有变化时就及时放入调味料和仔排。   糖醋排骨新做法   准备材料:排骨剁成寸段,藕一块儿,葱姜一些 盐,白糖,料酒,酱油,醋等调料   做法:   第一步:把排骨放热水中焯一下断生.   第二步:把排骨放进盘子里,加盐,料酒,葱段,姜片和少量水搅拌均匀后放蒸锅内蒸至骨肉能够分离.   第三步:把汤倒入碗内,捡去葱姜,鲜藕切成骨头粗细,把骨头挤出,将藕段穿入.   第四步:串好后成了这个样子,锅内油六成热时,将洒上一点干淀粉抓匀后的排骨放油锅内炸一下盛出.   第五步:等油七成热时,再炸一下,用小火将排骨炸至金黄色时盛出备用.锅内放底油,用两大勺白糖炒出糖色,炒好后把排骨放进去翻炒,倒入刚才的汤,再加上料酒,酱油等调料炖一下   第六步:等汤汁浓稠的时候,加入醋和一点盐,翻炒几分钟后出锅.   这样可以么?   





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