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admin 美食养生 2021-03-31 20:10:06 249 0

  美食节的手抄报相关内容black food"black food" mainly refers to the melanin and contains a word with a black grain, oil, fruit, vegetables, mushroom food. black foods are commonly used: black rice, rye, black rice, black buckwheat, black beans, black beans, black sesame, black fungus, black mushrooms, seaweed, nostoc, kelp, black mulberry, jujube, chestnut, black grapes, longan pulp, kuromatsu ko, silky, black sea cucumber, black ant food etc..autumn dietafter the beginning of autumn, is still brutal, many people don't know how to do a good job of diet health. in accordance with the "basic principles proposed by the" yellow emperor "yin in autumn and winter", with "ziyin lungs" as the basic criterion, also be "little xinzeng acid". so the autumn diet should pay attention to five points:(a) to pay attention to nutritionafter the beginning of autumn, the temperature is still high, human consumption is still very large, especially must pay attention to a balanced diet, but should be easy to digest; food not only add a little vinegar, weisuan delicious, can prevent intestinal diseases; cooking should pay attention to color, eat greasy, fried, too sweet food.(two) to add moisturegeneral to drink boiling water, sweating much salt. strong coffee should not be excessive drinking, so as not to cause excitement, fanre. can drink tea and other drinks; qingre traditional beverage also can choose, such as mung bean soup, plum juice, chrysanthemum brain soup, honeysuckle, red bean soup;美食的手抄报里画些什么画一些简单的食物、蔬菜、水果、菜样。美食小报怎么出?在纸上画出几种美食。然后在介绍这几种没事的由来。饮食卫生手抄报小学生食品卫生安全知识  预防食物中毒,首先要讲究个人卫生,做到勤洗澡、勤洗衣服、勤剪指甲、勤理发,勤换床单和被盖(一月一次)。保持教室、宿舍及环境的清洁卫生,养成饭前便后洗手、不暴饮暴食的良好习惯。其次做到"六不吃",不吃生冷食物、不吃不洁瓜果、不吃腐败变质食物、不吃未经高温处理的饭菜、不喝生水、不吃零食。

  再就是要从食品标签上注意识别食品质量,选择安全的食品是把住"病从口入"的第一关。  1、认识食物中毒特征。  潜伏期短:一般食后几分钟到几个小时发病  胃肠道症状:腹泻、腹痛,有的伴随呕吐、发热  2、提高自我救护意识  出现上述症状,应怀疑是否食物中毒,并及时到医院就诊,同时报告老师。  3、预防发生食物中毒  养成良好的卫生习惯,勤洗手特别是饭前便后,用除菌香皂,洗手液洗手  不吃生、冷、不清洁食物  不吃变质剩饭菜  少吃、不吃冷饮  少吃、不吃零食  不要长期吃辛辣食品  不要随便吃野果,吃水果后不要急于喝饮料特别是水。  剧烈运动后不要急于吃食品喝水。  不到无证摊点购买油炸、烟熏食品,尽可能在学校食堂就餐。千万不要去无照经营摊点饭店购买食品或者就餐。

  不喝生水,建议喝标准的纯净水。  从家里所带腌制品在校不能超过2天  谨慎选购包装食品,认真查看包装标识  查看基本标识,厂家厂址、电话、生产日期是否标示清楚、合格  查看市场准入标志(QS)  简介市场准入标志QS:为了保护人们饮食卫生安全,国家质量监督检验检疫局自2002年起,在全国范围内实施食品安全市场准入制度,对出厂食品,经过强制检验合格后,加贴市场准入标志,方便选购。2002年起,对小麦粉、大米、食用植物油、酱油、食醋等5类食品;2003年下半年,对方便面、膨化食品、罐头、冷饮等10类食品,实施了市场准入制度。




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