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admin 美食养生 2021-05-05 06:58:29 276 0


番茄炒蛋的做法(Scrambled egg with tomato) 1、Cross the tomatoes at the top and leave them in boiling water for a few moments until the edges curl slightly. 番茄在顶部划十字,放在开水里烫一小会直到十字的边缘微微卷起。 2、Remove the skin from the tomato, cut it into 2/3 pieces, chop it into 1/3 pieces, chop the spring onion, finely chop the garlic, beat the egg and add a little salt inside. 把番茄的皮撕掉,2/3切块,1/3剁碎,葱切段,蒜切细末,鸡蛋打散里面稍微放点盐。 3、Put the oil in the pot, pour in the egg liquid and stir quickly when it is 70% hot. 锅里放油,七成热时倒入蛋液迅速搅拌,待凝结后炒成炒蛋盛出待用。 4、Put a little oil in the pot again, put the spring onion in the braised braised, first put chopped tomatoes stir-fry, then add tomato pieces stir fry, put salt and sugar seasoning. 锅里重新放一点点油,放入葱段扒拉扒拉,先放入剁碎的番茄煸炒,再倒入番茄块翻炒,放盐和糖调味。 5、Add minced garlic and a little bit of steamed fish soy sauce or light soy sauce. 锅里放入蒜末和一点点蒸鱼豉油或者生抽,改小火盖上盖子焖一会。 6、Out of the pan, tomato scrambled eggs are ready! 出锅,番茄炒蛋就这样做好了!


西红柿炒鸡蛋的制作过程: The production process of scrambled eggs with tomatoes:? 1、先把西红柿洗净切成块放在盘中。 Wash the tomatoes and cut them into pieces and put them on the plate. 2、把鸡蛋打碎放入碗里。 Put the eggs in the bowl. ? 3、打开燃气炉,把锅放在火上。待锅热后放入植物油3汤勺。待油微热,把鸡蛋放入锅里,鸡蛋成型后搅动,翻炒熟后放入盘里。 Turn on the gas stove and put the pot on the fire.Put in 3 spoon vegetable oil after the pot is hot. When the oil is slightly hot, put the eggs into the pot, stir them after they are formed, and then fry them and put them into the plate.? 4、再放一汤匙植物油,把准备好的西红柿放入锅中翻炒,放一汤勺糖,盐少许。 Put another spoon of vegetable oil, put the prepared tomatoes into the pot and stir fry, put a spoon of sugar and a little salt. 5、再把已经炒熟的鸡蛋放入锅中一起炒,20秒后即可出锅。 ?then put the scrambled eggs into the pot and stir fry together, 20 seconds later, you can get out of the pot. 这道菜味道酸甜可口,又很有营养,对于女性来说又是第一道非常简单的美容菜,所以我非常喜欢。? This dish is sour, sweet, delicious and nutritious. It's also the first very simple beauty dish for women, so I like it very much.

怎样做西红柿炒蛋 100字左右

材料:西红柿,鸡蛋 配料:植物油,盐。 注意:西红柿炒鸡蛋不用放鸡精或者味精,因为西红柿炒鸡蛋是吃一个“鲜”字,而西红柿炒鸡蛋的时候就有形成鲜味的物质析出,不需要再放提鲜的味精或者鸡精。这也是做这道菜的时候不放葱姜蒜的原因。 制作过程: 1、西红柿切成块,要大小不一,什么形状无所谓,鸡蛋打开放入碗中,打匀,放入少许的盐。 2、锅内放入适量(炒鸡蛋的时候,油放多少很关键,我的经验是放相当于鸡蛋液的2/3)的油,等油热了的时候,倒入鸡蛋液,注意这个时候,鸡蛋液会自然的凝固,不要动,等到这个鸡蛋液都凝固的时候(要小心油干了,造成鸡蛋糊了),用饭铲(也叫炒勺)从鸡蛋的边缘轻轻进入,将鸡蛋翻过来,煎一下,等两面的颜色都呈现金黄的颜色时候,把鸡蛋从锅里取出来(也可以不取,不过等熟练以后再说吧),这个时候锅里面应该还有一些油,把西红柿翻进去,翻炒几下。由于西红柿里面含有大量的水分,会有水份析出,这个时候把炒好的鸡蛋放进去,放入少许盐,翻炒几下,出锅。




一、炒西红鸡蛋,先放鸡蛋或者先放西红柿都可以,一般放盐,但也可以放糖,西红柿是酸的,放糖做成酸甜的口味也可。 二、现将西红柿炒鸡蛋的做法介绍如下: 食材:西红柿2个、鸡蛋2个、葱1根、油2汤匙、盐5克、鸡精4克。 1、西红柿洗净切块、鸡蛋去壳搅成鸡蛋液、葱切段。 2、锅中倒油烧热,加入葱翻炒出香味,加入西红柿炒。 3、翻炒2分钟后,加入鸡蛋液,待鸡蛋液慢慢定型,加入食盐。 4、将鸡蛋翻面,炒2分钟后,加入鸡精即可出锅。


西红柿炒鸡蛋英文菜谱: The tomato fries the egg Raw material: Egg 3,Tomato 150 grams,Vegetable oil 4 soupspoon,Salt, monosodium glutamate respectively right amount,Sugar 1 soupspoon. Manufacture process: After 1st, burns the tomato cleaning with the boiling water, goes to the skin, goes to the peduncle, the slice is ready to be used. 2nd, infiltrates the egg in the bowl, adds the salt, evenly is ready to be used with the chopsticks full whipping. 3rd, the wok puts the oil 3 soupspoon to burn the heat, puts in the egg in the pot to fry is ripely abundant is ready to be used. 4th, the surplus oil will burn the heat, will get down the tomato piece to stir-fry before stewing fries, puts the salt, the sugar fries the moment, will pour into the egg to turn fries several pots namely to become. When stirs fry system this vegetable, wants the strong fire to be intensive. Although this vegetable is the ordinariest simple dish, but fries quality may know. Is called the cooking technique now at last.



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