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admin 美食养生 2021-04-02 07:27:04 289 0

  口语考试,要求两人一组,对话形式,时间控制在5分钟左右,有3个题目,谢谢达人了1. It depends on whether you're a college student or just in a high school now . eg: (If you're now a college student.) - I wonder right now what you're concerning about most? - Well , I think it'll be the job. As most of us undergraduates , I cherish the hope to find a good job as soon as going out of the campus . It can take off some burdens of my family. - Yet , won't you go on studying? I think it can also be a good choice. - Um, how to say that...I tend to put it as a waste of time , unless you can attain an offer of a very good university , yet that appears to be a chance in a million. ......... Then you can expand it . (About highschool student,I think you can put the point at 'study' or just talk about 'how to get a good mark')3. (a girl & a boy) (G) - Of course , a woman must have something to concerning about . It ('something ' ahead) won't be imprisoned by a husband , or a certain job. However I prefer to get a good job to make sure my future. All man cannot be depend on. (B)- But you can't deny a good husband do bring much to a woman's life : care , happiness , sense of safety -- lots of things beyond your wildest imagination. - Yet , what can I do after being abandon when grow old ? When a younger pretty girl comes to their 'good' husbunds' life , like most stories no matter in reality or just fiction tell -- I suppose no one would ignore them , they pretty young girls seems like 'good' husbands or even 'good' fathers so much-- and at that time , no wives will agree with you any more. - I should say that it all depends on the man of your choice . - Things're not carved in the stone . Yet at least the good job will mostly offer you a certain good future~ Words in the end : I choose the good job for the good future ,yet if you support the opposite side you can tell whatever you want to say O(∩_∩)O~急需几篇英语口语情景对话

A: Now, today we will talk about friendship. What do you think about friendship?B: Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. A: Yes, I agree with you. In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. A man of charisma has many friends. His power lies in his ability to give.B: The term, friend, can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a partner, a playmate, a brother, an intimate etc.A: True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow.B: Yes! Without friendship, our life is hostile , unfortunate and meaningless. A: To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not be cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them.求一段英语口试对话,要求每人讲十二次,开头和结尾算一次,急求!!!最好带上翻译!A: Hello! Good morning! 你好,早上好!B: Hello! Good morning! 你好,早上好!A: So what's your name?B: I'm Tom. Nice to meet you!A: Nice to meet you! Where are you from?B: I'm from Shanghai. It's a great city.A: Is there any special about it?B: Yes, it's very modern. There are lots of buildings and shopping malls. It's convenient for work and life.A: And would you like to tell me something about your family?B: There are three people in my family, my mom, Dad & myself.A: What do they do for a living?B: My mom is a teacher and my dad is an engineer.A: Do you have any hobbies?B: I like playing football.A: Do you play it very often?B: Yes, I used to play it with my friends every weekend.A: I love friends around and have fun together. Tell me more about your friends.B: Ok. My best friend is Jay. He is pretty tall. And he is very good at dancing too.A: Really?! How cool! I have always been wanting to learn dance.B: He has a dance show this Friday afternoon in school. Maybe you should come and watch.A: Can I? That would be wonderful.B: No Problem, I will text u the exact time and address. Come and I will introduce you to him and other friends.A: Thank you. You are very kind. So see you on Friday.B: See you then.求三篇英语口语考试小对话,不超过三分钟,两人的1.at the shopping centerELIZA: This place is great. I'm surprised they have so much.JANE: Yes, but it takes a while to find things.It's not organized as carefully as a regular store.ELIZA: I never shopped in an outlet before. We don't have any in my hometown.Why do they call it an "outlet"?JANE: Sometimes a clothes company makes too many of one item.They can't sell it all in their regular stores. So they send the overstock to an outlet.That's why they call it an "outlet".It's a store that "let's out" products the company can't sell in regular stores. ELIZA: And they have faulty products here too.JANE: Yes. A "faulty product" may be a shirt that has some problem.Or a pair of pants that is ripped a little.Sometimes the fault is very small. So it's a good deal to buy it.Sometimes, if you have a needle and thread, you can fix it yourself.ELIZA: I like to sew, so that's easy for me.I think it's a really good deal. Some of these shirts have only one tiny mistake on them. JANE: I know.So it's a good idea to shop in an outlet sometimes. You can save a lot of money.ELIZA: That's great for me.Now that Steve and I have the baby, we want to save as much as we can.CASHIER: Cash or credit, Ma'am?ELIZA: Credit.JANE: Wow! How many of those sweatshirts are you buying?ELIZA: I have six here..2.Tom: "Hi mom, how are you?" Tom's mom: "I am fine. How was school?" Tom: "Oh, I had a great time. The food there was great although I did not like the way they cook potatoes. The teachers are all very kind except the maths teacher, he spoke too softly and I could not understand him." Tom's mom: "Did you do any sports?" Tom: "Oh yes, I played lots of football and basketball. You know what, we will have a brand new swimming pool next term, isn't that great?" Tom's mom: "Wow, that sounds fantastic! Any other interesting news?" Tom: "Let me think.......oh yes, we had a new classmate, she is from Shanghai, China. She doesn't speak much English and I had to gesture to her most of the time. This is kind of fun." Tom's mom: "Oh well, you seem to be really enjoying yourself." Tom; "Yes, school has been fabulous, mom3.A:Hello.B:Hello.A:The vacation is coming.How do you want to do during the vacation?B:Let me see.If I can, I will go on a trip.A:Where do you want to go?B:Yunnan.A:Oh,it sounds wonderful!There is a very beautiful province.And the cities in there like Xishuanbanna,Dali,are both famous cities.They are famous for their natural views.B:You are right.It's said that when we get there,we can see many kinds of animals,plants,birds and so on.Our eyes are full of green,blue.The air is fresh,the trees are green and the sky is light blue.We can enjoy ourselves there and we will lose ourselves in it.A:Oh!I can't wait to go there.It's so attractive.B:Not only it,the weather there is always mild,the sunshine is brightly.But we are afraid to take a pair of sunglasses.



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