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admin 美食养生 2021-10-19 19:06:07 376 0


米饭 steamedrice

八宝饭 eight delicacies rice

鸡蛋炒饭 stir-fried rice with egg

卤肉饭 rice with stewed pork

鸡汤面 noodles in chicken soup

馄饨汤面 noodle soup with wonton

雪菜肉丝汤面 noodle soup with shredded pork and preserved vegetable

干烧牛河 stir-fried rice noodles with beef

猪肉白菜水饺 jiaozi (Dumplings) stuffed with pork and Chinese cabbage

鸡蛋韭菜水饺 jiaozi stuffed with Chinese chives and egg

羊肉泡馍 pita bread soaked in lamb soup


生煎包 pan-fried baozi stuffed with pork

奶黄包 baozi stuffed with creamy custard

烙饼 flapjack

烧卖 shaomai (steamed pork dumplings)

酒酿圆子 glutinous rice balls in fermented rice wine

豆腐脑儿 tofu pudding

油炸臭豆腐 deep-fried fermented tofu

油条 youtiao (deep-fried dough sticks)

茶叶蛋 tea favored boiled eggs

汤圆 tangyuan (glutinous rice balls)

冰糖葫芦 bingtanghulu (crispy sugar-coated fruit on a stick)

卤蛋 marinated egg

咸鸭蛋 salted duck egg


东坡方肉 dongpo pork

冬菜扣肉 braised pork with preserved vegetables

红烧狮子头 stewed pork ball in brown sauce

回锅肉片 sautéed sliced pork with pepper and chili

椒盐排条 deep-fried spare ribs with spiced salt

尖椒里脊 fried shredded pork tenderloin with hotpepper

葱爆羊肉 sautéed sliced lamb with scallion

烤羊腿 roast lamb leg

涮羊肉 hotpot, Mongolian style

孜然羊肉 fried lamb with cumin

黑椒牛柳 sautéed beef fillet with black pepper

胡萝卜炖牛肉 stewed beef with carrots

山药牛肉片 sautéed sliced beef with yam

水煮牛肉 sliced beef in hot chili oil

椒盐牛仔骨 sautéed calf ribs with spiced salt

脆皮鸡 crispy chicken

扒鸡腿 grilled chicken legs

白椒炒鸡胗 sautéed chicken gizzards with pepper

干锅鸡 asuteed chicken with pepper in iron wok

宫保鸡丁 kung pao chicken

花旗参炖鸡 braised chicken with ginseng

三杯鸡 chicken with three cups sauce

口水鸡 steamed chicken with chili sauce

烤鸭 roast duck

香煎鹅肝 pan-fried goose liver

脆皮乳鸽 crispy pigeon


蒸扇贝 steamed scallops

干煎带鱼 deep-fried hairtail

干烧鲑鱼 dry-braised mandarin fish

清蒸鲑鱼 steamed mandarin fish

一品螺 sautéed whelks in soy sauce

海鲜豆腐 braised tofu with seafood

红烧小黄鱼豆腐 braised small yellow croakers and tofu

鲈鱼(清蒸,红烧)perch (steamed, braised)

炒蟹 sautéed crab

西湖醋鱼 steamed grass carp in vinegar gravy

酸菜鱼 boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili

佛跳墙 fo tiao qiang (steamed abalone with shark's fin and fish maw in broth)

椒盐基围虾 deep-fried shrimps with spiced salt

水煮鱼 sliced fish in hot chili oil

醉蟹 liquor-soaked crabs


白灼时蔬 boiled seasonal vegetable

炒芥兰 sautéed Chinese broccoli

葱香荷兰豆 sautéed snow peas with scallion

虎皮尖椒 pan-seared green chili pepper

黄金玉米 sautéed sweet corn with salted egg yolk

肉末雪菜 sautéed preserved vegetable with minced pork

西芹百合 sautéed lily bulbs and celery

鱼香茄子 yu-shiang eggplant (sautéed eggplant with spicy garlic sauce)

四季豆 sautéed green beans

豆腐乳炒通菜 sautéed water spinach in preserved tofu sauce

干锅笋片 griddle cooked bamboo shoots

地三鲜 sautéed potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant





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