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admin 美食养生 2021-03-12 00:48:36 299 0

  英文翻译 自动在线翻译无分Dear Kentaro .,I will appreciate it if you can give me a reply . I have taken notice of you for long. I graduated only three years ago, but have been engaged in the business for five years. To tell the truth, I always meet with difficulties . Most of the time I have to be totally submitted to the customers' desire and thoughts so that I can make money. To get out of such a situation, there are two options ,either to be a master or to give up customers.I think these customers you don't like can always find some others that can satisfy their taste in the country with a large population of nearly two billion .Besides,the deformed development of China leads to the change of the the people's ideas and values , which seem strange . In the circle of this society, not only do we need to compete with customers , we also need to be faced with our colleagues ,leaders and family members . I have a second request that you can evaluate my literary works, poor as they are. I hope I can make a bit of progress with your guidance . you can see my works in the following address. what I'd like to say is that I am one of the students of Zhangcheng in Shanghai Zendoo,my teacher often montions you , asking me to learn from you , This arouses me to write to you ,I appreciate your works and I wish to keep in touch with you and leave messages to you.英文翻译,在线翻译Please pay within two days in order to reduce freight cost.请及时采纳,多谢!中英文在线翻译让我伤痕累累英汉互译在线翻译器在线翻译,一般是指在线翻译工具,如百度翻译,阿里翻译1688或Google翻译等。这类翻译工具的作用是利用计算机程序将一种自然语言转换为另一种自然语言。其原理是依托海量的互联网数据资源和自然语言处理技术,在数百万篇文档中查找各种模式,以求解最佳翻译。在线翻译虽然取得了一定的成就,但制约机译质量提高的瓶颈依然存在。




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