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美食手抄报文字内容 三年级

admin 美食养生 2021-03-31 21:28:06 227 0

  有关食物的英语手抄报的内容再提供一些其他资料A close mouth catches no flies. 病从口入。A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不用请医生。we are what we eat. 吃什么就会有什么样的身体健康。The delicious food that I am going to describe is chocolate.Chocolate is considered by many people that it not only is tasty and many people like it,it also has the ability to make people happy and some chocolate may even make people more healthy!Chocolate is used in a variety of foods,it can be eaten separately,or it can be combined with biscuits,caramel,toffee,etc to become chocolate bars which can be a convenient quick snack for us when we are hungry and need some food immediately.Also the sugar content in chocolate has also caused chocolate to become the emergency energy provider,which is especially useful for people such as those who has low blood sugar levels.Also chocolate can be used in making desserts such as cakes and many people love desserts especially cakes,no matter they are male or female,children or elderly,rarely is there people who cannot resist the temptation of chocolate!中国传统美食的作文 小学三年级作文 速度啊 谢谢周末,我们要吃中国传统美食——饺子。可是今天爸爸出差,妈妈加班,我和弟弟只好背起包饺子这个重任。弟弟一点儿也不安分守己,一会儿把面粉喷到我脸上,像涂了一层面膜;一会儿将锅碗瓢盆弄得咚咚响,搅得我不得安宁;一会把水龙头拧开,一会儿赤脚在地上走来走去……起初我还能专心志致地思考怎么包饺子,可是后来在他的带领下,我们将厨房闹了个底朝天。等我们玩得力倦神疲之时,才发现面粉只剩半盆了。 开始包饺子了,我把小面饼擀成薄薄的面片,就往里塞肉馅。

  我包的饺子千奇百怪,光是面片就有几百种样子。瞧,最大有手掌那么大,最小的却不及大拇指;最尖的似乎能把手心扎破,最圆的仿佛能与珍珠媲美。弟弟做得更是胜我一筹:有的又细又长,像蛇一样弯弯曲曲地躺着;有的又粗又胖,跟他的身材形成了鲜明的对比……不过没关系,因为外观的丑陋不会对饺子的美味有丝毫改变。况且爱因斯坦说过:如果箱子比里面的肉好,那可真是太糟糕了。 一眨眼的功夫,令人大饱口福的饺子已经在沸水中翻滚了,我得意洋洋地说:“看来这包饺子也不难嘛。”可是我的话音刚落,饺子仿佛要跟我作对似的立刻露出了五脏六腑。为了避免这样的悲剧发生,我们哥俩自作聪明,决定将破了肚皮的饺子捞到碗里随时“干掉”它,没想到异常滚烫,真是心急吃不了热饺子呀。





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